How to Register

Enrolling in CLP classes with UAccess

Courses are listed under CRL in UAccess, with the course number indicating the level (101, 201, etc.) and the section number indicating the language. For example, the section number for Hindi is 321, so 1st semester Hindi is CRL 101-321, and 3rd semester Hindi is CRL 201-321. Please note that all our class times are listed as TBA. Tutorials are scheduled by the Critical Languages Program to accommodate students schedules, and will be available 1 - 2 weeks before class. All scheduled tutorial times are final.

CLP courses meet the UA language requirement.

We are able to offer flexible schedules with 4-10 students per section and offer 4 credit hours (elementary and intermediate levels). Students who are interested in our non-traditional tutorials should contact CLP at (520) 621-3387 for further registration information.

What if I am not a University of Arizona Student?

The Critical Languages Program is happy to include non-UA students in our courses.  There are two kinds of courses: non-credit and credit.  

Non-credit courses are open to all adults in the world.  To register for non-credit opportunities, go here

If you are not a University of Arizona student and would like to register for one of our credit courses, you can as a non-degree student.  First confirm with us at that the course will be offered the term you want it.  Then you should register  as a non-degree student here:

Then reach back out to us and we will help you get registered for your course.  

How to Register

Course Section Numbers

When you register for a course in UAccess, the section number determines the language you are registering for. Ensure that you are enrolling in the right section when you register; we cannot add you to your chosen section later if it is full.

Language Section
*Armenian 451
Cantonese 301
*Catalan 404
*Chechen 402
*Czech 441
*Dutch 501
*Finnish 371
Modern Greek 362
Hindi 321
*Hungarian 401
*Kazakh 341
Korean 311
Kurdish 325
*Nahuatl 601
*Nepali 314
Norwegian 372
*Polish 411
Swahili 391
Tagalog 381
Thai 351
*Ukrainian 376
*Urdu 322
Vietnamese 331

*Note that not all classes are offered every semester. If you are interested in a class that is not currently offered, you can request a language.